A Bali Beach Break To Remember

No one ever wins competitions, right? Especially those dreamy fly-off-to-a-remote-island ones where everything’s taken care of and all you need to do is rock up to the airport with your bikini in tow. I saw one of these earlier this year and thought, I have nothing to lose… so I entered. And I WON. My hubby and I spent a week on a magical island after winning a Bali beach break, all thanks to the ENTERTAINER. Yes, THAT Bali.

For those who are geographically challenged, Bali is an Indonesian island in the beautiful Indian Ocean. We went in the beginning of May, during their dry season, so the weather was perfect; sunny and warm but not scorching. We arrived in Denpasar, the capital, and traveled to our first stop in our Bali beach break: Plataran Hotel & Spa in the bustling town of Ubud. We stayed there for three nights but weren’t quite ready to go as there’s so much to do and see there; a Monkey Sanctuary Forrest, holy temples, and serene rice farms.

We headed back to Denpasar for two nights and stayed at Alantara Sanur. There, we snorkeled off the island of Nusa Lembongan, and swam with manta rays. They were so friendly, one even swam right under me. It was a surreal experience to say the least! Our last stop was the gorgeous Anantara Resort, located right on the famous beach of Seminyak. We were treated to a drool-worthy all-you-can-eat fresh seafood feast that evening before walking barefoot on the longest stretch of sand I’ve ever seen.

Balinese hospitality is unlike any other. The hotels, transportation, tour companies and restaurants work together seamlessly. Tourism is what they do. Everyone’s friendly, calm and go out of their way to help. I also really appreciate that you get bang for your buck, especially with Rands. A meal would cost about R120 for two people, and they were always tasty and nicely sized. After saving so much on meals, activities and the above hotels with the ENTERTAINER’s discounts (there’s a Bali app too, guys), you could splash out a little bit more on other things like shopping in their popular markets.

All in all, it was hands down the most amazing competition prize I’ve ever won! Check out my vlog to see all the exciting adventures we got up to on our Bali beach break ?

Feeling jealous of Aisha‘s journey? Book your own Bali beach break (or Colaba shopping trip) using ENTERTAINER getaways and get up to 60% off your stay. You’re welcome.

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