It’s Always Beer O’Clock At S43

As the saying goes, “It’s 5 pm somewhere in the world”. But who says you can only start drinking at 5 pm? I mean, seriously, beer o’clock can be anytime. Whenever you need an ice cold craft beer to chill out and take a moment to gather yourself (because the average Thursday can be very challenging – no need to be embarrassed). Never let anyone tell you any different, OK?

Take a look at the video and you’ll realize that it’s actually beer o’clock right now.

So now that you’ve made your way to S43 and you’re having that well-deserved craft beer, you might as well order a shot (or two, because you’re using your ENTERTAINER App, silly). But, before you go too crazy, you might have to line your stomach with a tasting tray (or, again, two). Responsible drinking, guys!

NOTE: Just ensure you’ve familiarised yourself with our ROUs to avoid embarrassment ?

Bonus: Check out all our fab April monthly offers to save even more. Maybe you can even find a breakfast spot for tomorrow morning…?

Meet you in Berea at beer o’clock.

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