Sometimes a girl just needs her mom. Plain and simple. But in this weird new world of social distancing – your typical Mother’s Day lunch or hometown visit with the woman you love most may not be viable (if it is, lucky you).
Even though you can’t physically be with your mom on Mother’s Day, that doesn’t mean you can’t be with your mom. Check out some of our tips below for some #Momspiration.
1| Zoom brunch
Send Mom a Mother’s Day takeaway brunch, listen to some good tunes, and eat “together” over Zoom to celebrate her day. It’ll feel like a treat (no cooking or dishwashing involved) and will make her feel extra special.
2| Family tribute night
Get your siblings together and have a “Tribute to Mom” night. Make sure to bring your favorite photos, videos, and stories to the Zoom call and have everyone talk about their very favourite things about mom. This will defs result in laughter, tears, or probably both.
3| Binge watch TV shows
Every mom can use a little downtime to unwind and relax at the end of the day. Skype mom and enjoy her laughs over the phone as you tune in to some of the best TV shows that every mom and daughter should binge (ahem, Gilmore Girls sounds like a winner).
4| Virtual picnic
While you can’t go to your favourite park to have a Mother’s Day picnic with the fam, you can set one up at home and video call your loved ones. Set up some games that everyone can play. Whether it’s 30 Seconds or challenging everyone to tongue twisters, you’ll be creating memories that will last a lifetime.
5| Buy a gift card
With many businesses around the country forced to close their doors, why not use Mother’s Day as a chance to not only express your appreciation to mom but to also support small businesses. Purchase a gift card at her fave store that she can use once lockdown ends. If you’re looking for more ways to do good, check out these 7 Ways To Support Those In Need During Lockdown.
Although these are only a handful of easy ways to celebrate your mom on this special day (no matter what your budget is or how far away you are from her), the most important thing to remember is that it’s truly the thought that counts.
What’s the best advice your mom has ever given you? Stand a chance to win a massage voucher for mom to use post-lockdown by answering that question here. Good luck!