Drink Up: Your Durban Weekend Plans Are Sorted

We’re about celebrating life in all its glory. From eating like proper foodies, going for those much-needed massages (because you’re worth it, obviously), to cheers-ing for everything. All at 2-for-1 prices with the ENTERTAINER. So, tell me, what are your Durban weekend plans?

Don’t know yet? Shame. But, not to worry – here are the Durban weekend plans we’ve made for you:

#1 | Alchemy | Ballito

Whether you’re into aesthetics or not, you’ll find this place B E A U T I F U L! Oh, and their gin-tasting boards are an absolute must. Even the way they’re prepared is true art.

#2 | Lucky Shaker | Umhlanga

If you’re not a regular here yet, you must live in Pietermaritzburg or something. Lucky Shaker’s service is on-point, the vibe is just what you need after a long week, and their cocktails are I’m-ordering-seconds-and-thirds delish. And I’m not even a big cocktail-drinker. Also, this is your next date night spot – thank me later.

#3 | S43 | Berea

Just around the corner from trendy Florida Road, you’ll find a hidden gem of a bar. It’s called S43, because it’s located at 43 Station Drive. Easy to remember, right? Their offer on the app: obviously a craft beer. Prost!

#4 | El Toro | Durban North

I mean, all of us ideally want to live in a Mexican-themed world. So, here’s your chance to go full ‘arriba arriba’ and drink lots of tequila. And don’t worry – you can order a lil’ somethin’ to nibble on, should your wellbeing require it later. (And it will).

Be festive, be safe, and always cheers to being young and healthy (even if you’re starting to see those wrinkles).


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