Cool Durban Kids Activities To Try This Weekend

As a passionate auntie (and less passionate babysitter), I’m all too familiar with the deadly combo of hyperactive kids and zero plans. Thankfully, whether you’re a parent playing tourist in your own town or bringing your children from afar, there’s a stack of entertaining Durban kids activities on offer.

Having dealt with bored kiddos, here’s my list of the top 5 cool Durban kids activities that actually entertain.


1 | Ice-skating in Galleria

It seems you can still experience a winter wonderland in sunny Durbs (fake it ‘til you make it, right?). You’d never guess the ice rink in Galleria is just a short drive from the ‘Toti shoreline. Get the kids laced up, onto the ice and out your hair for a glorious few hours – or join them, if you dare. The newer generation seems to show a lot more proficiency than the cling-to-the-side-until-the-last-ten-minutes era I grew up in.

2 | The Fun Company

There’s a lot of promise in a name like that. And this kiddies’ haven – found in Westville or Amanzimtoti – sure does deliver. Kids can hit the lights – and the pins – in a game of glow-in-the-dark tenpin bowling. (Who comes up with this stuff?). Or they can buckle up and brave the 4D theatre, complete with bumping, dipping, moving seats. Good old-fashioned arcade games are ready to be wrestled with, where kids can shoot, dance or ride their way to great prizes.

3 | The Holiday Express

If you’re looking for a full-day of Durban kids activities that are not active, best you head to the train station at Stamford Hill. Kick back as the kids press their noses to the glass, checking out neighbouring towns and landscapes. Glass(es) of wine permitted.

4 | Gateway Theatre of Shopping

Malls offer a lot more today than the humble shopping experience of yesteryear. If you’re a Durban local, you’re probably no stranger to Gateway Theatre of Shopping – but you may have yet to meander ’round the back and find the utopia awaiting your children (and therefore you). Breathe out – or window shop – while the kids exhaust themselves with rounds of putt putt, action karting down the drag, or braving a surf at the Wave House.

5 | Animal Farmyard

No kiddies’ activity list is complete without a trip to the animal farm. The Animal Farmyard in Assagay gives you that Midlands Meander feel without the extra hour’s drive. Your kids will have a blast checking out a ton of animals – large, small, furry, scaly and everything in between – while you enjoy the gorgeous view of rolling farm hills from the quaint tea garden.

How do you keep your kids active in Durbs? Share your bright ideas with us – we’d love to add them to the repertoire.


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