8 Trendy Travel Destinations to Tap Into In 2018

…Before everyone else does!

Being trendy is addictive, right? I mean, the amount of matcha lattes that people seem to be ordering all around me is super cray. A healthy kind of cray, luckily. But these days it seems that to be truly trendy, you have to do things that no one else is doing yet (confusing, I know). There’s a massive shift towards experiencing the ‘untouched’ and ‘unexplored’ things in life, which is totally up my alley. It also means that some of these trendy travel destinations will defs see me this year. This, I promise you.

Saving cash money to visit some trendy travel destinations has never been this attractive.

Starting closest to home (on the African continent) and making my way across the world, I’ve rounded up the next hot-and-happening spots you absolutely have to add to your bucket list. And thanks to my team at the ENTERTAINER, we decided to help you out even more. You can now simply click on the Hotels Worldwide category on the app > click on ENTERTAINER getaways > book any hotel worldwide at massively reduced prices. Super cool, I know!

Trendy Travel Destinations
8 Trendy Travel Destinations


In search of a truly magical experience? Well, mingling with the mountain gorillas at Volcanoes Park sounds like one heck of an out-of-body experience to me. Imagine looking straight into one of these striking creatures’ eyes, connecting and sharing a brief moment together? Walking besides them in their natural habitat, tapping into the fascinating world of this critically endangered species… I don’t know about you, but I literally just convinced myself to go right now.

Saint Martin

You’re probably thinking, “Girl, you do know that Hurricane Irma happened, right?”. Well, I’m here to tell you that this beautiful island is on the mend. The international airport has been open since late October 2017, the majority of the island’s electricity has been restored, and many cool beaches, bars and restaurants have reopened their doors. And what I’m also telling you is that it’s still VERY affordable. Best of all, you’ll get to help people and businesses who need it, just by visiting. It’s a win-win, if you ask me.


No, I’m not talking about Georgia the American state (boring). I’m talking about the country at the foot of the Caucasus mountain range, with Russia on the one side and Turkey on the other. I’m talking about unspoiled landscapes, designer hotels, and palate-bending East-meets-West cuisine. And I’m definitely talking about these Instagrammable cheese-filled breads. Now, this is a trendy travel destination if I’ve ever seen one.


This is the birthplace of tequila, guys! However, there are lots of other reasons to visit this vibrant city in Mexico, obvs. Think amazing roof markets, colorful buildings, wall murals, etc. (Did I mention the tequila ??) Plus, I’ve been there and I’m telling you, it’s a must! The Mariachi bands are partly the reason why I wake up every morning (because I live to go back to Mexico one day).

I don’t know if I can even handle the rest of the trendy travel destinations on my list after these first four, but here goes.

New Orleans

This year is the city’s 300th anniversary. Can you imagine how festive the locals will be? From jazz festivals, to Mardi Gras, to food festivals – all year long. I think I might just relocate there for 2018. (Don’t tell my boss).


It’s quite obvious that I L O V E Jordan (as I’ve written about it before). Not that I’ve ever been there, but I’ll keep on writing about my dream of visiting in the hope that someone will pick up my not-so-subtle hint(s). A pink sandstone city called Petra – that’s all I can say, guys. Oh, and the fact that you only need a visa upon arrival if you hold a South African passport, and it’s for FREE! You can check this article out to see what other countries you can visit without the hassle of getting a VISA. You’re welcome.


If a vibey metropolis filled with fab places for eating, exploring, drinking and soaking up the atmosphere is all you’re about, then Santiago, Chile, is the place for you. It’s probably one of my new fave trendy travel destinations. Throw in a little hiking and backpacking in the countryside and I’m right there next to you.

Marrakesh, the last trendy travel destination on my list

It is said that the best time to visit this vibrant, colourful, inviting city is, well, now. Between March – May is spring time there, when the roses are in bloom and the days are fresh. I actually don’t have enough words to describe how beautiful this destination is, all I’m saying is, I’ll be taking unpaid leave this year… (really hope my boss isn’t reading this).

Which one of these trendy travel destinations will you pick? Tag your ultimate travel buddy to plan this fan-freakin-tastic trip at your fave coffee shop, and go pack those bags! I’m not jealous or anything.

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