A Winter Morning Routine That Doesn’t Suck

One of the hardest things to do in winter is get moving in the mornings. In fact, a winter morning routine can feel impossible to get into – especially when it’s still night-time outside your bedroom window. It’s a harsh reminder that the outside world is most definitely everything that a cosy bed is not.

So, here are some of my top tips for setting up a mindful winter morning routine (spoiler alert – it includes moving your body on a yoga mat).

#1 | Set your alarm

Once you’ve managed to rub the sleep out of your eyes, make sure you get in a few gentle stretches (under the duvet obviously). How, you ask? Well, start by extending your arms and legs as far away from you as possible. Then, stretch all the way from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes. Draw both knees in towards your chest and then work in a few gentle supine twists (check out this video for a how-to on this specific stretch). Wriggle yourself into a comfortable seat, fluff up your pillows and (try) get yourself into the habit of meditating first thing in the morning.

#2 | Set your intentions

The best way to get your body moving in winter is to start your day mindfully. You might need some help with this at first. My two favourite apps at the moment are Headspace and Calm. They are both free to download and offer super accessible guided meditations. All you need is 5 minutes to drop into your body, to help clear the sleepy winter brain fog and give yourself time to set yourself up for your day, mindfully.

#3 | Stay comfy, always

The only way you’ll get me to actually move my body (whether it’s first thing in the morning, or later in the evening – both are pretty tough), is if it’s in our cosy little WILD THING Yoga studio (and they’re on the ENTERTAINER app, #Winning). Up in the clouds, away from the hustle and bustle of Sea Point, at one of our Warm Flow classes. It’s cosy because of the infrared heating system we use. It’s far gentler on the body, far gentler on the planet and doesn’t feel anything like working out in a sauna. It helps the body warm up gently, detoxifies the body on a cellular level and helps you deepen your physical practice safely.

To summarise:

Setting yourself up with a mindful winter morning routine will make all the difference, and you’ll start to feel and see the difference as the habit takes hold. Waking up gently, mindfully and moving your body in a way that makes you feel good are three of the simplest ways to avoid the winter low that sometimes lurks at the bottom of the hot chocolate mug. It’s also a scientific fact that a yoga class at WILD THING makes whatever you do afterwards, that much better. Seriously. It’s science.

It’s easy to become complacent in winter, and let the cold stop us from keeping our bodies moving. The thing is, our bodies were made to move. And the times you feel like you absolutely cannot move, are the times you need to move the most.


So, get up and get that winter morning routine going!

And you know what will make it a little easier? A fab movepretty hamper. Follow #PrettyEntertaining on our social media platforms (@entertainerza & @movepretty), or check this article out to see how you can stand a chance to WIN BIG every week, leading up to Women’s Day.

Each prize includes MOVEPRETTY goodies (valued at R500), and a full ENTERTAINER app for your city.

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