Why Yoga Is More Than The Poses

There’s nothing more beautiful than an elegant yogi stretched out in the perfect pose. Everything is aligned and graceful and it looks like a pretty easy move to pull off. (It’s NEVER easy to pull off). But after practising yoga for a few months, I feel like it has almost nothing to do with what your body can do. It has everything to do with what you take away from the mat.

Thankfully, yoga teachers agree.

Which is great, because I am no expert – but people like Zo Dashati really are. We captured a few shots of her Bikram class at Yo Yoga on film, and it was truly inspirational. Sweaty, but inspirational. We had to leave when the camera’s lens started misting up (that tends to happen in a 40-degree room) but made sure to get her thoughts on what the practice is all about. Give it a watch above.

My favourite part of the video is when she says,

“Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced, there’s something for everyone.”

Has there ever been a more inviting sport? I think not. So, even if you’re a beginner like me, give Yo Yoga a try. The studio offers Bikram, Ashtanga and Flow classes, and if you can’t get anywhere near perfecting the pretzel – so what. You’ll probably leave with something a whole lot more valuable.

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