Cape Town Celebration Spots For The Best Birthday

It’s birthday time and you need an incredible Cape Town celebration spot, obvs. Because of all your fabulous-ness, you’re in desperate need of a venue big enough to host your hundreds of friends, but also intimate enough to ensure that exclusive vibe, you know? This is a real struggle, I tell you.

So, here’s your birthday prezzie from me – a narrowed-down list of the best Cape Town celebration spots for your birthday this year.


#1 Roast & Co | For the trendy foodie

The magical courtyard will make you wish it was your birthday (even if it’s not) just so you can host a party there. On-point interior (exposed brick walls ?), healthy food, and light bulbs for days – you’ll definitely get the perfect Insta-pic to post after your Cape Town celebration.

Bonus reason: There’s enough space for you to invite everyone and anyone. This is a rare commodity in the CBD these days, so take it and run with it.

#2 Beerhouse | For the laid-back youngster

I mean, what’s not to love about a house full of beer. It’s hip-and-happening, it’s in the heart of Long Street, and it’s where you’ll bump into basically everyone you know. If you are in your early twenties, that is.

Bonus reason: The interior of this place is yellow (my fave colour).

#3 You Bet It’s Ice Cream | For the sweet-tooth

Perhaps you decide to keep it low-key this year? And perhaps you’re craving a sugar rush? Whatever the reason – you’ll have to stop here to #treatyoself, because it’s your birthday, after all.

Bonus reason: It’s ice-cream, do you really need a bonus reason?

#4 Galbi Restaurant | For the intimacy-seeker

This is where you’ll get to catch up with your besties. So, invite your three favourites, sit around an open flame, cook your own food (to perfection), and have one of the best Cape Town celebrations, like, ever.

Bonus reason: Because they’re on the app you’ll only pay for two main meals, which means that this will most prob be the cheapest birthday celebration ever.

#5 Cloud 9 | For the view-lover

You wanna impress, right? Well, your answer is right here. A view of Table Mountain throughout the event can only mean success and happiness in the year to come.

Bonus reason: Don’t just look at it – did you know you can catch the cable car up that beautiful mountain for FREE on your birthday?

#6 CPT Comedy Club | For the comedian

If you’re not much of a talker, but known for hosting the best get-togethers, you’ve found the perfect place right here. Simply book a table for the number of people you want to invite and get ready to fall off your chair with laughter. If you don’t believe me, check out how much fun people had at our 2018 launch event.

Bonus reason: It’s at the V&A Waterfront, so you’ll be able to grab a Haagen-Dazs treat after your fab Cape Town celebration.

P.S. This article was inspired by real-life events happening on the 22nd of May (a.k.a my birthday ?)

K, byyyye… and HBD to you!

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