7 Ways To Celebrate Earth Month In Cape Town

We all love our beautiful Mother City, right? I mean, what question is that even? We love her so much that we’re willing to reduce our water usage to 50l per person, per day. Which means there’s even more reason to celebrate Earth Month this month. Therefore, I would like to give you a couple of cool and different ways to do so.

To celebrate Earth Month is a way for you to show your respect to Mother Earth. So go on, go celebrate, girl.

#1 Set your intentions | Secret Sunrise

You know how you have that one thing you wish you could’ve done more of? Like, to start each day with intention and to do more good, etc? I’m really not here to make you feel judged because you overslept and rushed to work (and did your make-up in the car). I mean, most of my mornings start like that. I’m simply here to remind you to celebrate Earth Month by going to Secret Sunrise. You’ll love it. You’ll love how you feel afterwards. And Mother Earth will love you for celebrating her ?

#2 Get your hands dirty | Garden Green

Dedicate a morning to your garden. It needs some love and attention after the very long, hot, dry summer. Get your hands dirty, feel the soil between your fingers, and celebrate our one and only beautiful planet.

#3 Get moving | Run Cape Town Sightseeing / Dirtopia

Capetonians are known for being active, getting their sweat on, and living healthy lifestyles. So, simply work that into your celebration month by choosing to do outdoor exercises instead. Whether you’re a runner or prefer cycling, the ENTERTAINER has your back all the way. Remember: when you’re out there celebrating Earth Month, remind yourself to take deep, fresh breaths, to look at Table Mountain, and try your best not trip over a rock or something.

#4 Treat Yourself | Wheyo Protein Ice Cream

After a long run or ride it’s mandatory to go get yourself a little treat. Wheyo is made from all natural ingredients, has no added sugar, and is completely free from gluten and preservatives. L O V E! I mean, you’re basically gonna lose weight while eating a tub of this and you’ll be guilt-free as you’re not harming the environment. What are you waiting for?

#5 Be waterwise | Masakhane Car Wash

Okay, so with the whole ‘saving water’ topic that’s trending like crazy now (and it being a very harsh reality for us), we obviously have to find clever ways of reducing our water usage. Without having to change our fab lifestyles too much, that is. Fact is, we still need to wash our cars before our parents come to visit from Pretoria (because we need to show them that we are responsible grown-ups, blah, blah, blah).

We have the solution right here, guys. Masakhane Car Wash offers a 50% discount on a steam, dry & vacuum / 50% discount on a steam & go for your precious car. What this means is that they don’t use between 80 – 90l of water as a normal car wash does. No, no! They only use between 2-4l per car wash. How crazy? And they will soon be using recycled water instead of municipal water! I love them!

#6 Honour your skin | Ways Of Wellness

This is an easy one, girls. Especially now that you know that they are SA’s first 100% organic beauty spa and that they use certified organic & natural products, free of chemicals and parabens. All ‘greenies’ and beauty conscious people are welcome here. Your skin needs this.

#7 Nourish your body | Scheckter’s RAW

What you’ll find here is pure bliss. Friendly & healthy people, tasty meals, fresh juices and just such a freakin’ cool vibe. If you haven’t been here yet, GO. And if you have been, GO AGAIN! Should you need more convincing, check this video out to see what their delish match flapjacks look like. They’re out of this world.

Do your part to keep our earth clean, guys. We only have one! How are you going to celebrate Earth Month?

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