The Perception vs. Reality of Cape Town Living

I know you all think that Cape Town living is basically paradise.

Well, you are 100% correct, but sometimes we do face day-to-day struggles. And that’s exactly why I’m laying out the perception vs. reality of Cape Town living comparison for ya’ll, because it’s time for some truth. Use it, don’t use it – here we go.

Care-free, slow mornings vs. stressful, rushed mornings

For some reason people tend to think that all Capetonians start each morning with a leisurely drive to Camps Bay, a quick dip in the ocean and a SUP sesh, or attending Secret Sunrise (all before work starts). I guess that does happen more often than not. But we can also have stressful mornings like other people, okay? Some mornings I don’t even get to make myself a cup of coffee to drink on my balcony whilst looking at Table Mountain. So, I’m forced to grab a coffee to-go on my way to the office. IN THE TRAFFIC! I guess the fact that we are only allowed to have 2 minute showers actually helps with mornings like these…

Trendy freelancing vs. an 8-5 office job

Although you might be under the impression that the majority of us are freelancers who only work from trendy coffee shops and brunch spots, think again. For instance, I’ve got an 8-5 office job inside a building that’s not a coffee shop. And, unfortunately, I don’t work on a Mac. But I should perhaps add that I do have a full view of the mountain for me to stare at every now and again (i.e. all the time). Nonetheless, my alarm goes off every morning at 7.30 am. And I have to dress appropriately and look at the same screen errday (in between mountain-watching). Doing a freakin’ cool job, sure, but it’s tough out here 😉

Getting fit outdoors vs. getting fit indoors

My daily routine usually entails a post-work run around the reservoir in Gardens or the Promenade in Sea Point. Or perhaps a hike up Lion’s Head after work, or a quick tennis match on the outside courts around the corner from my house. With the rainy season making it’s appearance these days (better late than never I guess), us Capetonians now too have to use alternative options to get our summer bodies ready. Training inside can really be a schlep. But I must say, there’s a lot of available options on the ENTERTAINER App that actually aren’t bad at all. Simply do a quick search, select the fitness filter and voila – all the sporty offers at a click of a button.

Wineland-weekends vs. errand-running weekends

Yes, Instagram gets bombarded with ‘weekend selfies’ on beautiful wine farms. And we do hop from one farm to the next just to find that perfect cultivar. (Jokes, we do it to do more wine tastings, really). So I can genuinely this perception around Cape Town living. You should know that this obviously doesn’t happen on both the Saturday and the Sunday, silly. Surely, we also have to put our big boy pants on a Sunday morning and work in the garden or fix that plumbing prob that irritated us the whole week.

So you see, as much as Cape Town living is fantastic and I’m truly living my very best life, there are some things that are mandatory and very difficult to wangle yourself out from doing. That’s where the ENTERTAINER App comes in. It’s for all those things you wanna do AND for all those things that you really do not wanna do, but really have to do.

Enjoy, k byyyyeeee 🙂

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