Cape Town Easter: How To Make It Egg-cellent

It’s gonna be a cracking, sunny-side-up kind of Cape Town Easter weekend, guys. And we’re dying to tell you all about the egg-citing activities you can do to make it count. (Also, you can most certainly egg-spect more of these punny yolks from our side – we’re actually only getting started).

*Remember, you can’t use your ENTERTAINER App on public holidays. Yep, this includes Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Monday (Family Day), too. But you already knew that ? If you’re going to Durban or Joburg for the weekend, travel safely. If you’re going to be in the Mother City, here’s how to keep it hip and hoppy:

Thursday | Be Eggs-tra

We all know that a Cape Town Easter starts with post-work drinks on Thursday already, duh. You can sleep in tomorrow morning, which means that tonight will be worry-free. So, Hakuna Matata, and head to Woodstock Brewery for a drink (or two, because the other is mahala on the ENTERTAINER app).

Friday | Be Good Because, Good Friday

Today your ENTERTAINER app is hibernating, just like you should be. So, wake up, roll over, and go straight back to sleep. The only time you’re allowed to get up is when you’re ready to press some of your fresh (and egg-cellently discounted) Bean Authentic coffee beans. Again, you CANNOT use you ENTERTAINER today, so pre-buy your beans, please, and thank you.

Saturday | Beat It

Get up, get dressed and get out (not in a rude way, we promise). But seriously, one day in bed was more than enough, and you can actually use your App today. Yay! So, start off with brekkie at The Larder and then, get your tourist aaahn. Go crocodile cage diving in Paarl, followed by some much-needed 2-for-1 wine tasting and lunching.

Sunday | Hoppy Easter

Whether you’re into the whole egg hunting thing or just like eating all the choccies, today WILL be an egg-filled, choc-filled, fun-filled day for you and your family. Embrace and cherish it, because you’re all gonna be in sugar comas later. Don’t hold back on the treats (YOLO), but do hold back on eating out because your ENTERTAINER is out of action vandag.

Monday | Rest A Lil’

Family time is important, and today is all about just that. Wake up, make some pancakes, and spend the day playing games on the couch and eating leftover choccies with your loved ones. You can’t use your app today, but on the sunny side of things, you’re not stuck in traffic and on your way to the office, so the day is already looking sp-egg-tacular.

Why not pack a picnic basket with the leftover hot cross buns and head over to the nearest park. The kids can run around freely while you and your partner read a book or just CHILL together. If I were you, I’d throw in a bottle of wine or two, just because it’s the last holiday-day. Buy your wine prior to the Easter weekend using the ENTERTAINER, and you can save big!

Tuesday | Back To Work (And All Out Of Puns)

Back to reality. You’re probably crashing hard from all the sugar, aren’t you? You’ll definitely need coffee today to fix that, especially since you have a full day of work ahead of you. Head over to Dapper (yep, they open at 7 am, so you can totally squeeze this in before work) for that perfect 2-for-1 cuppa and their Smashed Avo brekkie special.

You’re obvs gonna have to book a massage after the very stressful Cape Town Easter weekend you just had?

That’s all from me, yolks. And remember, it’s only a 4-day week again!

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