6 Expert-Approved Ways To Keep Sane During Lockdown

CONGRATULATIONS! We officially got through the initial 21 days of lockdown! Well done for following the rules, for staying inside and for baking a helluva lot of banana bread. We’d like to think that we played somewhat of a BIG part in keeping you sane. I mean, our incred #StayENTERTAINED series is basically all you need to feel better, have a lekker lag and get some creative ideas on how to get out while staying home. So, you’re welcome .

Speaking of tips & tricks – here are some of our fave experts who are giving us a sneak peek into their lives during lockdown:

1| Alchemy on how to make the perfect cocktail at home

First up, we have our good ol’ friends over at Alchemy, Ballito, who fully understand the current can’t-get-my-fave-drink-during-lockdown-so-what-should-I-do issue and offered a helping hand. THANKS, guys, this is a real life-saver.

How to make a Belladonna Sour from scratch, in the comfort of your own home:

  • Double shot Belladonna Nightshade Gin (don’t worry if you don’t have this particular gin at home, we’re all a lil’ desperate, so any gin will do)
  • A dash of egg white (and NO, do not down the yolk for that challenge you’ve been nominated for. It’s gross. Just don’t do it, OK?)
  • Single-shot lemon juice
  • Half a shot sugar syrup
  • Ice
  • Blueberries


*Pro-tip: Before you start, fill your cocktail glass with ice and put aside to chill*

Into a cocktail shaker (or sommer a Consol jar with a lid on), add all the ingredients except for the blueberries and SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE (like a polaroid picture, of course). Remove ice from your cocktail glass and pour in the drink from your shaker. Garnish with blueberries & serve!

2| Sthabile Nogozo on to-do-listing her way through lockdown

“This is what has kept me sane through this lockdown. It gives my day structure and purpose.”

We couldn’t agree more, Sthabs. The days and weeks are all becoming one big smooshed-up pajama party and we need to be very disciplined to get up, get dressed and do our work. So, making lists (and do be realistic and kind to yourself here) is a way to help you do just that. Here are a couple of examples of the kind of lists Sthabile makes:

  • Things-to-get-done-during-the-lockdown list: Think Marie Kondo or The 5 AM Club here.
  • Budgeting list: You need real guts to tackle those finances of yours during an unsettling time like this. But, once you’ve done it you’ll realise that things aren’t that bad and that you will still be able to treat yourself to a proper cuppa every day (especially if you use your ENTERTAINER app once lockdown lifts)
  • New-things-to-try-post-lockdown list: New travel destinations, restaurants, you name it. You might as well dream a little while you’ve got the time, right?
  • What-to-watch list: Simply post an IG story asking your followers for some recs and voila. You’ll soon be enjoying Netflix and wine days all day, every day.
  • Playlists list: You need a good playlist for every mood. SO, use this time wisely and start curating, DJ. This Spotify playlist might just kick-start this journey for you.
  • Cook-your-sorrows-away list: Everyone’s doing it – cooking and baking every weekend. Gotta love the fact that everyone’s aspiring to be foodies now, lol. But, there are some great tips out there. We especially like FoodiesOfSA.

3| Slime Workshop on how to keep the kids entertained

Our hearts go out to all parents right now. It must be so freakin’ annoying having the little ones around ALL. THE. TIME. Yes, we know you love them, but geez Louise, there’s just no end to their energy. Make ’em some slime and experience the magic of peace.


  1. Mix your activator and set aside (sommer use contact lens liquid as the activator).
  2. Add 4 spoons of TWS Slime Solution to your bowl (if you don’t have this specific solution, you can substitute it for normal craft glue). Mix.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon activator and mix for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Dip your fingers into the activator and poke the slime. Start to stretch and knead the mixture.
  4. Divide the slime into 3 portions. Make three separate balls and start adding some colourants little by little.

4| Tarin from The Chocolate Pretzel on why breathing is so important

Stress levels are high, we’re all deprived of human interaction and the four walls around us are creeping closer every day. We feel ya. That’s exactly why we need to set some time aside for meditation and self-care. We asked Tarin what she does to keep sane and she told us that she breathes. Simple, right? But man, it makes a huge difference to anyone’s day.

Here’s why it’s so important:

1. Breathing is our vitality, it oxygenates our vital organs to keep us alive

2. Gets rid of waste products that stagnate in the body

3. It acts as the link between our body and mind

4. It helps control emotions and fears and keeps a clear, sharp mind

5. Keeps you present

5| Tascha Strauss on how to juggle everything at once

Tascha is, like many of you, a fulltime workin’ mom, wife, housekeeper, and now a teacher on top of everything else too. How does she do it? With lots of alcohol, of course. JK. She’s actually got quite the system at home and we wanted to share it with you guys. Sharing is caring, right?

“I start my day off with a cup of coffee and a 40 min high intensity workout.”

Being a teacher is a whole new ballgame for most of us, so Tascha decided to allocate 2 hours a day to homeschool her 6-year-old boy. Luckily, her 3-year-old naps from 1 pm – 3 pm every day (what an amazing child, am I right?), so she’s got that time to fully concentrate on Alexander. Another thing she’s done is map out a dedicated space for each member of the family around the communal dining table where they all sit and work/play. She sommer used masking tape, and each person is responsible for their own space. How cute? ‘After school’ they go outside and play to get their bodies moving before dinner.

6 | Sachi Okada on a quick 20-minute homework out

We asked her to give us some intel on who ‘Sachi Okada’ is. From a bod to die for to next-level self-confidence, this girl’s got it all and we want some of it . Oh, and did I mention that she works at the ENTERTAINER on top of the fabulous life she lives? Yep, we’re lucky and we know it!

She keeps the fitness levels high by doing short and sweet HIIT home workouts during lockdown. Here’s an idea of what her afternoons look like:

5 exercises for 30 seconds each.

Do 8 reps of the full set.

  1. Side to side plank
  2. Dynamic plank abductions
  3. Pike Walk
  4. Pike Hinge
  5. Do Pike single leg crunch

Keep your eyes peeled for more hacks coming your way on a weekly basis.

Stay safe, stay home and #StayENTERTAINED.

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