Being Single On Valentine’s Day: How To Conquer It

Some think that being single on Valentine’s Day sucks. It’s the day filled with gushing hearts, swooning lovers and of course the #couplegoals that raid your Instagram feed.

We know that the most romantic holiday of the year can be rather overwhelming so here’s our How to Guide for being single on Valentine’s day. And enjoying it.

1 | Have a Night on the Town

Have some fun with good friends and enjoy a night out. Grab a beer or a glass of wine, detach from social media and get wrapped up in conversation – like the good old days. Some of the best relationships are sparked from friendships.

2 | Binge-watch the Classic Horrors

You might not want to dive into a romantic comedy when you’re single on Valentine’s Day so why not enjoy a classic horror. Re-watch the horror favourites from Scream to Paranormal Activity and add a little “spook” to your romantic day for one.

3 | Be an Angel and Babysit for a Couple

Cupid may not have struck you with his love-filled arrow but you can surely be an angel to the rescue and babysit for a couple. Help a couple have a romantic night out by holding down the fort and relieving them of their parental duties. Giving just a little bit of your time could be the best thing you do as a single on Valentine’s Day.

4 | If your Ex Hated it, Do It!

Remember when she didn’t let you wear your socks around the house or changed the radio station in the car. Oh! And when he told you to stop wearing that colour lipstick. Today’s your day to do all the things they hated but you loved. Slide around the house in your socks screaming the lyrics to your favourite song, and girl, you wear that showstopping lipstick. Embrace being you and all that you love as a single on Valentine’s day.

5 | Cash in on the Couple Deals

No significant other? That’s okay. Fake it till you make it this Valentine’s day and grab a friend to enjoy all the couple’s deals on The ENTERTAINER (remember, you can’t use the app on exclusion days. So, enjoy it tomorrow). Go for a facial, a massage or a night of dinner and wine. Or all three. No one has to know you two are not dating. Being single on Valentines Day doesn’t have to be lonely.

Being single on Valentine’s day does not have to be boring or a day of excessive moping. Instead, have fun and embrace the day of love.

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