5 ENTERTAINER App Hacks You Need To Know

If you’ve used the ENTERTAINER as much as I have, then you probably know the basics – buy one get one free, right? Well, did you know that there’s SO MUCH MORE you can do to get the most out of your app? These little ENTERTAINER App hacks will forever impact the way you use yours.

So make yourself a cup of tea, get comfy, and take note of these ENTERTAINER App hacks, because they’re going to change your life.

1. Smiles

Have you ever seen someone smile, and immediately felt yourself smiling right back? That’s because smiles are contagious, even on the ENTERTAINER. Every single time you redeem an offer and smile IRL, you gain virtual smiles on the App. You can use these smiles to “buy” back an offer (a maximum of one per merchant), or even a set of 10 pings! I bought back one of my La Vie En Rose offers, because they have some of the yummiest burgers.

Plus, even though they expire on 30 December of every year, if you purchase the 2018 app before 30 December then your smiles will be valid for 13 months from the date they were earned. How cool is that?!

Where do I find my smiles?
To check how many smiles you have, select your profile on the App, click on the yellow icon found under your email address, and voila!

2. Pings

I remember the feeling I had when I first purchased my ENTERTAINER. I scrolled through the copious amounts of offers, adopted a maniacal laugh and thought “they’re mine, they’re ALL MINE!” But when my friend asked me about the App, I wanted to let her experience the rush of redeeming an offer herself. So I pinged her one of my Cheers offers to try at The Steamworks, and she was hooked.

Basically, members can virtually transfer one of their offers to another member, or even to someone who has downloaded the App but hasn’t necessarily purchased it yet. This is definitely one of my fave ENTERTAINER App hacks. If the ping isn’t accepted by the other person within 10 days, then you get the offer back, so you don’t waste it. You get 10 pings to use by the end of the year, unless you buy 10 more with your smiles ?

How do I ping an offer?
Simply select the offer you want to transfer to someone, and click on the paper airplane (found just under the images). You’ll then be prompted to enter the recipient’s email address. Click on “ping” and you’re good to go.

3. Food and Beverage Offers

If you love the ENTERTAINER then you already know that you can use one offer for a two-person lunch. But did you know that you can use up to four offers at once? For a table of 8 people? It’s true! So if you have an important work lunch with seven of your colleagues at Wangthai (for example), or a night out with bae and three of your couple friends, then you can use four offers. You can thank me later.

How do I let them know that I want to use the ENTERTAINER?
Remember to let your waiter know you wish to use the ENTERTAINER before you request the bill.

4. Monthly Offers

Of all the sneaky little ENTERTAINER App hacks, this one will blow your mind: A select few of our merchants will add an exclusive monthly offer to the product, which means you get a bonus offer in addition to the ones already on the App. The best part is that Monthly Offers are unlimited – so you can use them as many times as you want! This month I took advantage of F1 Indoor Karting‘s 10 minute racing offer, but they’re only valid for the month, so you should keep your eyes peeled to see what’s new.

Where do I find the Monthly Offers?
There’s a monthly offer for each category, so choose a category and click on “monthly” on the top row.

5. Filters

If you’re looking for a place with space for the children to run around, or you’re looking for a Halal restaurant, then never fear, the ENTERTAINER is here! When you’re searching through categories, you can easily filter the results to either include the things you want, or exclude the things you don’t. There’s even a “pets allowed” option so you can bring your pooch along to places like The Daily Coffee Cafe, which has its own pet menu – how cute?! Or you can check out this list of dog-friendly restaurants in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Where do I find the filter option?
First select the category you wish to search, then click on the slider icon next to the search bar. When the filter screen pops up, just choose your filters and click “done”. It’s that simple.

There’s a ton more info in our Rules of Use, so go give them a read. Now that you know a few of these ENTERTAINER App hacks, what are you waiting for? Happy saving ?

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